Dear MG family,
This is a slightly shorter – but no less important – message to reflect on the shorter working week, which brings with it time for reflection and relaxation.
I know the sheer magnitude of what we’re all experiencing as a global community seems all encompassing and replete with unexpected plot twists. I’m hoping this message will encourage you to explore and authenticate your feelings at this moment – no matter where you currently score on the mental health checklist.
Employee well-being is always first and foremost in our minds. As you’re aware the current Government-enforced lockdown and the subsequent requirement to work from home as the COVID-19 pandemic continues is having a marked effect on mental health. As a result, the onus is on all of us to support each one another as much as possible.
As a remote worker, you’re all operating with the least amount of supervision you’ve experienced in your career. Now is the time to take ownership of your tasks and be proactive and self-motivated in getting them completed on time.
Don’t forget to stay connected; whilst it’s impossible to physically chat to or meet with your co-workers, this doesn’t mean communication has to cease. Ensure that part of your daily structure is dedicated to keeping in touch with your team members. Checking in will alleviate this anxiety and ensure that you’re kept in the loop on all important business. Don’t be afraid to lean on one another for support, ideas, and encouragement!
As previously mentioned in last week’s message, now is the time for us to build and maintain our brand through hard times, so we can continue to position ourselves as a trusted, reliable and reassuring presence in the recruiting and staffing industry.
Hiring is happening. With this in mind, it gives me great pleasure to announce that we have many new roles being announced every day – from cutting edge AI tech in the Nordics, to brand new telco projects all over Germany. Also, it’s important to highlight the great work being done by our consultants all over the world at this difficult time.
Indeed, this is the time for us to serve as the voice of the customer and be authentic and empathetic when communicating externally, which includes some up-coming charity initiatives that’ll truly serve our customers and wider community. More on this to follow over the coming weeks!
I’ll finish with this inspirational quote from Benjamin Ng: “People come together in crisis. Now is the time, in lockdown, to build a team.”
Stay safe and stay connected.
Rachael, Michel and Team MG