Welcome to the latest instalment of MG Meets Ext, where we get to know external employees from around the world that work with Manning Global. This month Romina Nañagas talks about her life as a Digital Team Lead for scandi-beauty giants FOREO. Clue, it’s not all Instagram and parties – but it does involve strategising cool content pieces for the Philippines and the US, more of which below…
Hi Romina, firstly, please could you tell us how started working with MG?
I was contacted by your team – the position could not have been more perfect!
You work in beauty PR, how did you enter this profession?
I actually started as an assistant to the (then) president of BMW Philippines. In this line of work, I learned lifestyle PR and was spotted by the PR manager who took me under her wing. After realising how exciting lifestyle PR was, I looked to join a PR agency. At my first and only PR agency, I had the amazing opportunity to work with Procter & Gamble as my main client for their beauty brands. This started my journey (of a decade and counting…) in beauty PR.
What qualities do you need to succeed in your current role as Digital Team Lead for FOREO?
Humility to learn lessons, vision for the brand, plus grace and grit to lead the team through tough times.
What are your top three KPIs for this role?
Reach, content quality and overall brand perception.
What’s your daily routine?
I start by NOT checking my emails. Instead, I focus on the big goals for the week ahead, then break them down into smaller to-do’s in order to achieve those big goals. I complete urgent projects first thing and then do the smaller items as my day draws to a close. I now handle two markets: Philippines and the US, so I usually end the day with a summary email or Skype message to both teams.
What’s the most enjoyable part of your job?
Seeing and hearing people I know rave about our products while not knowing we’re behind the article they saw; the Youtube video they viewed or the Instagram post they liked!
Your training for this role was based in Zagreb, Croatia – home of Manning Global – what did you like most about the city?
The architecture and the layout; I can never tire of the parks and outdoor cafes.
Are there any other countries in the world you would like to work – if so, why would you like to work there?
New York, for sure! That city has always felt like home, with endless rooms to explore! Hong Kong too, since it’s a city I visit every year. Both cities have such rich culture and street swag – I can’t get enough!
What was your first ever job?
Intern at the UNDP. I was such a brat back then, wondering why I was doing filing! Now I know why we’ve all got to start at the bottom!
Who do you look up to most in life?
My parents; they’re the kindest people I know.
Enough about business, it’s time for pleasure – if you could listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Moon River by Andy Williams.
Romina is a PR passionista with 10 years experience telling brand stories for the likes of Olay, Pantene, Vidal Sassoon and UNICEF. She started as an assistant to the BMW Philippines president – but her penchant for media relations was quickly spotted by the PR director, which started her PR journey. After BMW, she joined Campaigns and Grey where she trained under some of the most awarded PR practitioners in the Philippines. Today, she leads the digital media unit for the US and Philippine markets for FOREO – a stylish Scandinavian skincare company.